Monday, August 28, 2023

Quarter 1, Week 3 (8/28-9/1)


A lot of new content is coming in week 3 in every subject! Check out the date for the Winter concert in Mrs. Balmer's update. Latin students are receiving their names this week. It's the season for volleyball in P.E. 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Quarter 1, Week 2 (8/21-8/25)


Week 2 is still our boot-up phase of the year. For some of the Specials classes, week 2 follows the content and structure of week 1 pretty closely. Other classes are incrementally adding new routines and content. In this week's post, check out Mrs. Balmer's introduction. Mrs. Balmer is our new 3-5 Music teacher.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Quarter 1, Week 1 (8/14-8/18)

Here are some updates from the Specials teachers for the first week (and sometimes two weeks) of quarter 1 ...

Sunday, August 6, 2023

New Specials Blog!

Welcome, parents and students of GHNO Lower School, to the new, unified Specials blog. In the past, each Specials teacher has administered his or her own blog, meaning parents had to go to four additional sites each week to get fully informed about all the goings-on in their scholars' Art, Music, P.E., and foreign language classes.

Well, no more! Starting this year we now will publish a single blog post each Monday that includes all the Specials teachers. Each teacher will have his or her own subheading in the post. Additionally, some teachers have static pages of resources and links that you can access from the headings at the top of the page.

Quarter 4, Week 1 (3/18-3/22)

Summary We're already starting the last quarter of the school year!