Monday, December 16, 2024

Quarter 2, Week 9 (12/16/24 - 12/20/24)


Hibler: Art K-3

  • Kinder: All students will receive work back from the first semester (in take home folders) on Monday/ Tuesday. Add background to the landscape. 
  • 1st: All students will receive work back from the first semester (in take home folders) on Monday/ Tuesday. Students will complete their self portraits. 
  • 2nd: All students will receive work back from the first semester (in take home folders) on Monday/ Tuesday. Complete Matisse flower vases 
  • 3rd: All students will receive work back from the first semester (in take home folders) on Monday/ Tuesday. Complete the leaves on the Audubon birds.

Welch: Art 3-6

  • 3rd Grade: Students will begin their unit on Van Gogh's, Starry Night.
  • 4th Grade: Students will continue their colored pencil project (coloring a vintage apple illustration).
  • 5th Grade: Students will practice using oil pastels with different color combinations.
  • 6th Grade: Students will work on their color assessment project (drawing and coloring a hobbit house).


Lucero: Drama 6

As You Like It dress rehearsals and production


Puopolo: Spanish K-2

  • Kinder, First and Second Grade
    • Students will learn the names of winter clothes by listening to the story “Froggy se viste,” and they will also learn how frogs survive winter by observing, visualizing and making connections while they are looking at pictures in the story. 

Lee : Latin 3-6

  • All grades will:
    • play "Euge" (Latin Bingo)
    • learn about Saturnalia (the Roman winter festival)


Abrego: Music K-2

  • Kindergarten
    • The students will learn to create a representation of high and low in a melody. The students will practice fast and slow and improvisation.  
  • First Grade
    • The students will practice writing musical patterns that contain a rest.   
    • The students will learn to improvise a four-beat rhythm including quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests.   
  • Second Grade
    • The students will learn to label four sounds on a beat with the rhythm syllables takadimi. 

Balmer: Music 3-6

  • All grades will learn about George Gershwin.

Physical Education

Walsh: PE K-3

  • Kinder thru Third Grade Scholars will learn:
    • how to work together as a team and how to demonstrate good sportsmanship during some exciting cardio winter games!

Woods: PE 3-6 

Mari’s Wedding 

  • Set-up
    1. Ladies/follows on the outside circle 
    2. Gentlemen/leads on the inside circle 
    3. Hold hand of partner 
  • Learn the steps 
    1. 8 steps clockwise 
    2. 4 skips forward 
    3. Rotate 180 degrees 
    4. 4 skips backward 
    5. 8 steps counterclockwise 
    6. 4 skips forward 
    7. Rotate 180 degrees 
    8. 4 skips backward 
    9. Jump into the middle 
    10. Jump to the outside 
    11. Switch places 
    12. Jump in  
    13. Jump out 
    14. Hand off (switch places) 
    15. Lady/follow should end up back on the outside with a new partner and gentleman should be back on the inside.

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Quarter 3, Week 7 (2/24/25-2/28/25)

Art Hibler: Art K-3 Kinder: Students will continue their studies of Claude Monet's bridges with waterlilies.  1st grade: Students will p...