Monday, December 2, 2024

Quarter 2, Week 7 (12/2/24 - 12/6/24)


Hibler: Art K-3

  • Kinder: Students will study landscapes and draw with charcoal.   
  • 1st: Students will complete their self-portraits.
  • 2nd: Students will continue adding color to Matisse's Still Life of Peonies in a Vase with tempera paints. 
  • 3rd: Students will continue to color their Audubon birds.   

Welch: Art 3-6

  • 3rd Grade: Students will continue to work on Matisse's Goldfish painting.
  • 4th Grade: Students will continue to work on color theory and colored pencil techniques.
  • 5th Grade: Students will be completing Durer's Rhino and beginning color theory.
  • 6th Grade: Students will continue to work on shading art project.


Lucero: Drama 6

As You Like It rehearsals.


Puopolo: Spanish K-2


  • Students will learn the names of the family members and introduce them by observing, visualizing, and interpreting pages 20-21 in the textbook.  

First Grade

  • The students will learn the name of the family members (miembros de la FAMILIA) by visualizing and interpreting pages 28 and 29 in textbook through participation during question time. 

Second Grade

  • Students will learn the names of the family members and introduce them by observing, visualizing, and interpreting pages 20-23 in the textbook.   

Lee : Latin 3-6

Practice logs for 5th and 6th grades are due 12/4 (A and C sections) and 12/5 (B and D sections). I am extending the deadline for 3rd and 4th grades to 12/9 (B and D) and 12/10 (A and C).

3rd and 4th grade students will:

  • learn the Tim's Parents song about the functions of the noun cases;
  • learn how to conjugate verbs in the present tense;
  • practice conjugating verbs.
5th and 6th grade students will:
  • write a paragraph in Latin about their families.


Abrego: Music K-2

All grades will review the concert.

Balmer: Music 3-6

All grades will review the concert.

Physical Education

Walsh: PE K-3

*Kinder through Third Grade Scholars will learn:

  • To properly execute the rules of an organized activity
  • To work strategically with others on a team
  • To demonstrate how to apply the proper underhand, overhand, and catching techniques for some exciting throwing games

Woods: PE 3-6

Fitness Gram: Testing

The pacer test helps determine if a student is within the healthy fitness zone of if they require further support to reach their fitness goal 

  • Monday- Height/Weight and Trunk Lift- Blue Day
  • Tuesday - Height/Weight and Trunk Lift - Red Day
  • Wednesday - Pacer Test - Blue Day - Blue Day
  • Thursday - Pacer Test Red Day
  • Friday - Fun Friday

Quarter 2, Week 7 (12/2/24 - 12/6/24)

Art Hibler: Art K-3 Kinder: Students will study landscapes and draw with charcoal.    1st: Students will complete their self-portraits. 2nd:...