Monday, December 9, 2024

Quarter 2, Week 8 (12/9/24 - 12/13/14)


Hibler: Art K-3

  • Kinder: Students will be introduced to oil pastels and practice blending colors.   
  • 1st: Students will add color to their self-portraits.
  • 2nd: Students will continue adding color to Matisse's Still Life of Peonies in a Vase with oil pastels. 
  • 3rd: Students will continue to color their Audubon birds.   

Welch: Art 3-6

  • 3rd: Students will complete their Matisse, "Goldfish", painting
  • 4th: Students will begin colored theory unit and colored pencil project.
  • 5th: Students will begin color theory unit.
  • 6th: Students will begin color theory unit.


Lucero: Drama 6

  • As You Like It rehearsals and final preparation 


Puopolo: Spanish K-2

Kinder, First Grade and Second Grade

  • Students will continue learning about family members through participating during question time.

Lee : Latin 3-6 

  • 3rd and 4th grades
    • Greco-Roman myths
  • 5th and 6th grades
    • Euge (Latin Bingo) and Q2 test


Abrego: Music K-2

  • Kindergarten:
    • The students will learn to internalize high and low pitches through kinesthetic activities. 
    • The students will practice fast and slow and reading. 
    • Students will identify the musical era, musical themes, and biography of Mozart. 
  • First Grade:
    • The students will learn the notation of the quarter rest.  
    • The students will read rhythmic patterns that contain rests.   
    • Students will identify the musical era, musical themes, and biography of Felix Mendelssohn.  
  • Second Grade:
    • The students will learn how to analyze repertoire that contains four sounds on a beat
    • The students will learn how to create a visual representation of four sounds on a beat.  
    • Students will identify the musical era, musical themes, and biography of Fanny Mendelssohn.

Balmer: Music 3-6

  • All grades will learn about George Gershwin.

Physical Education

Walsh: PE K-3

  • Kinder through Third Grade Scholars will learn:
    • how to properly execute football catches and throws.  
    • to identify the roles and responsibilities of the quarterback and the wide receiver 

Woods: PE 3-6

Tic-Tac-Toe Relay-

  • Set up three tic-tac-toes on the other end of the basketball court.
  • Split students up into six squads and assign them to a tall cone at the starting line.
  • Squads next to each other will compete head-to-head on the same game board.
  • On “Go” one student in each line races to the cones and places a marker (bag) on top, then returns to their line. Only one marker can be placed on each cone, so use rock, paper, scissors if there’s a tie.
  • The next person may go once the person in front of them returns to the line and tag their hand
  • Each team is attempting to place the marker on three consecutive cones to three in a row (tic-tac-toe).
  • If all three markers have been used, the next student(s) to go are allowed to run down and move ONE of THEIR bags to an open cone.
  • When a student (squad) wins, they must raise their hands overhead and declare “Tic-Tac-Toe, Three-In-A-Row!”
  • Rotate the lines every so often so that squads can compete against different teams

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Quarter 3, Week 7 (2/24/25-2/28/25)

Art Hibler: Art K-3 Kinder: Students will continue their studies of Claude Monet's bridges with waterlilies.  1st grade: Students will p...