Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Quarter 3, Week 2 (1/22/25-1/24-25)

The Specials team is still getting our bearings after losing a day to weather, but here are some updates for the current week.


Hibler: Art K-3

  • Kindergarten students will review the concept of forms or 3D shapes. They will create a collage of fruits by making them appear to have sides, organizing them in a way that the items look closer/ farther away. 
  • 1st grade artists will be creating texture of trees with colored pencils layered on paints. 
  • 2nd grade artists will be introduced to works by Vincent van Gogh and review the element of arts color and texture. 
  • 3rd graders will review Matisse’s work and begin sketching their Goldfish. 


Lee : Latin 3-6

  • 3rd and 4th grade students are learning how to conjugate verbs in the present tense
    • 3rd grade parents, ask your students to teach you the "O means I" chant
  • 5th and 6th grade students are receiving their chapter 3 vocabulary lists and continuing to read Lingua Latina chapter 3
    • Flashcards are due 1/27 (A & C) or 1/28 (B & D)
    • Practice logs are due 2/26 (B & D) or 2/27 (A & C)


Abrego: Music K-2

  • 3rd grade students will explore the music of Robert Schumann, perform dotted rhythms, and begin learning their 1st Spring Concert piece.
  • 4th grade students will explore the music of Antonin Dvorak, perform dotted rhythms, and begin learning their 1st Spring Concert piece.
  • 5th grade students will explore the music of Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, perform dotted rhythms, and begin learning their 1st Spring Concert piece.
  • 6th grade students will explore the music of Antonin Dvorak, learn to identify and label solfege in musical scores, review the notes of the Treble and Bass clefs, and begin learning their 1st Spring Concert piece.

Physical Education

Walsh: PE K-3

  • Kinder and First Grade- Scholars will be working on volleying skills. They will practice forearm passing, setting, and underhand serving. 
  • Second grade- Scholars will be working on underhand and overhand throwing. 
  • Third Grade- Scholars will begin their Fitness Gram tests. 

Woods: PE 3-6 

Fitness Gram is a health-related fitness assessment developed by The Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research and is a research-based criterion-referenced test. The purpose for the use of Fitness Gram is to determine any correlation between physical fitness and academic performance.

  • Push-up
  • Sit-up
  • Trunk Lift
  • Arm Reach

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Quarter 3, Week 7 (2/24/25-2/28/25)

Art Hibler: Art K-3 Kinder: Students will continue their studies of Claude Monet's bridges with waterlilies.  1st grade: Students will p...