Be on the lookout for new static pages on this blog. For example, we now have a page dedicated to Spanish songs (with embedded YouTube videos). The Latin resource page will be updated this week. Otherwise ...
Hibler: Art K-3
- Kinder will:
- learn about organic shapes and draw animals using organic shapes and lines
- 1st grade will:
- create a composition of different line directions
- review horizontal, vertical, diagonal, and name lines
- 2nd grade will:
- practice oil pastel techniques
- use techniques to color their symmetrical butterflies
- 3rd grade will:
- review types of lines and observe sketches by Vincent van Gogh
Welch: Art 3-6
- 3rd grade will:
- be working on a contour drawing of a bird
- 4th grade will:
- be working on drawing, The Blue Horse, by Franz Marc, using a grid
- 5th grade will:
- be working on drawing, The Rhino, by Albrecht Durer, using a grid
- 6th grade will:
- be reviewing and practicing drawing using the grid method
Lucero: Drama 6
- Scholars will continue reading As You Like It and analyzing the plot, characters, and themes.
Puopolo: Spanish K-2
- Kinder
- Students will identify school supplies and provide information about how they are used by visualizing and interpreting pages 96-98 in the textbook through participation during question time.
- First Grade
- The students will learn what school supplies to bring to school by visualizing and interpreting pages 80- 83 in the textbook through participation during question time.
- Second Grade
- The students will learn about the places in a school and the rules they must follow by visualizing and interpreting pages 92-93 in the textbook through participation during question time.
Lee: Latin 3-6
Remember: Latin Practice Logs are due 9/25 (B and D section) and 9/26 (A and C sections). Replacement practice logs can be found here. Replacement vocabulary lists for fifth and sixth grades can be found here.
- Third Grade
- learn and review ut vales (how are you doing?)
- understand and respond correctly to: simple imperative verbs, basic question words (-ne, ubi), basic response (ita, non), and location words (hic, illic)
- Fourth Grade
- understand and respond correctly to more simple imperative verbs
- learn parts of classroom and respond correctly to directional imperatives
- articulate difference between locational hic/illic and directional huc/illuc
- Fifth and Sixth Grades
- read Lingua Latina chapter 1 through line 81
- correctly translate adjectives multi, pauci, magnus, and parvus
- correctly translate question words ubi, num, quid, -ne
- correctly translate and use ordinal numbers primus, secundus, tertius
- accurately discuss words, letters, and syllables using Latin academic vocabulary
Abrego: Music K-2
- Kinder will:
- learn to internalize loud or soft singing or chanting voice through kinesthetic activities
- practice tuneful singing and reading
- analyze repertoire sung with a loud or soft voice. The students will practice tuneful singing
- First Grade will:
- review aural presentation and notation of rhythm
- learn to analyze repertoire that contains one and two sounds on a beat
- practice writing high and low melodic contour
- Second Grade will:
- review the pitch do and practice reading melodies in duple meter
- prepare aural awareness for the pitch below mi (re)
Balmer: Music 3-6
- Third Grade students will
- understand and demonstrate the function of the Treble Clef and name notes on the staff as whole, half, and quarter notes.
- continue learning Concert Selection #1
- Fourth Grade students will
- understand and demonstrate the function of the Bass Clef and name notes on the staff as whole, half, and quarter notes.
- continue learning Concert Selection #1
- Fifth Grade students will
- review and perform various tempo and dynamic markings
- label and demonstrate high ti as a half step below do
- continue learning Concert Selection #1 and begin Concert Selection #2
- Sixth Grade students will
- perform rhythm patterns to include whole, half, quarter, 8th, and 16th notes, syncopation and all dotted rhythms
- identify and define the function of a time signature
- continue learning Concert Selection #1 and begin Concert Selection #2
Physical Education
Walsh: PE K-3
- Kinder and First Grade Scholars will learn:
- To properly execute the rules of an organized activity
- To work strategically with others on a team
- To demonstrate the proper underhand and overhand throwing technique
- Second and Third Grade Scholars will learn:
- how to apply the proper technique and form for the forearm pass, underhand serve, and set.
- how to rotate correctly on the volleyball court
Woods: PE 3-6
- Students will be learning the bump pass
- Bump pass- the basic pass in volleyball.
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