Monday, February 24, 2025

Quarter 3, Week 7 (2/24/25-2/28/25)


Hibler: Art K-3

  • Kinder: Students will continue their studies of Claude Monet's bridges with waterlilies. 
  • 1st grade: Students will paint their replicas by Vincent van Gogh.  
  • 2nd grade: Students will begin adding repeating lines to create texture on their flowering gardens replicas. 
  • 3rd grade: Students will finish painting their replicas of Matisses' Goldfish. 

Welch: Art 3-6

  • 3rd Grade: Students will be completing their oil pastel landscapes.
  • 4th Grade: Students will be practicing shading more pointed and straight-edged shapes.
  • 5th Grade: Students will be working on their optical illusion's art pieces.
  • 6th grade: Students will continue working on their colored pencil projects.


Lucero: Drama 6

  • A Midsummer Night's Dream auditions; Parts of the Stage and Vocab Quiz


Puopolo: Spanish K-2

  • Kinder
Students will be able to: Name types of homes where people live, and they will Identify some rooms in a house
  • First Grade
The students will continue learning about places in their community. They will also describe   where someone is located using the verb ESTAR by observing, visualizing, and interpreting pages 74 and 75
  • Second Grade
The students will continue learning about community workers. They will identify where these workers work by observing, visualizing, and interpreting pages 64-67

Lee : Latin 3-6

  • 3rd grade will learn stories about Prometheus.
  • 4th grade will learn Greco-Roman myths and practice conjugating verbs.
  • 5th and 6th grades will play Latin Pictionary in preparation for Academic Field Day.


Abrego: Music K-2

  • Kindergarten: The students will practice keeping a steady beat and rhythm through kinesthetic activities.
  • First Grade: The students will practice reading and writing melodies containing la.
  • Second Grade: The students will learn to read and write the do pentatonic scale.

Balmer: Music 3-6

  • 3rd grade: Students will continue discussing the life and music of Robert Schumann and working on concert selections using solfege to perfect melodies.
  • 4th grade: Students will continue discussing the life and music of Antonín Dvořák and learning concert literature on solfege.
  • 5th grade: Students will discuss the life and music of Clara Schumann and work on concert literature utilizing solfege.
  • 6th grade: Students will continue discussing the life and music of Antonín Dvořák and begin working on their first concert selection. They will also review the note names of the treble and bass clef and connections to the keyboard.

Physical Education

Walsh: PE K-3

  • Kinder, First, and Second Grade- We will be starting our basketball unit. Scholars will be focusing on dribbling this week.
  • Third Grade- Scholars will continue working on their Fitness Gram tests.

Woods: PE 3-6

  • Sideline Soccer 
    • Team 1 (15 players) will line up on the sideline 
    • Team 2 (15players) will line up on the opposite sideline 
    • Put 3 soccer balls in the middle of the field. 
    • Designate the front and back line 
    • On the whistle the first 5 players from both sides will play. 
    • The remaining players from both sides will be goalies. 
    • If a team scores a goalie, they will receive a point. 
    • After 3-5 mins blow the whistle and the next players will go to the back of the line and the next five players in the front of the line will enter the playing field.

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Quarter 3, Week 7 (2/24/25-2/28/25)

Art Hibler: Art K-3 Kinder: Students will continue their studies of Claude Monet's bridges with waterlilies.  1st grade: Students will p...